Specialist allied health therapeutic and psychosocial services

Jodyne Greig is an Allied Health provider of therapeutic and psychosocial supports, with accreditation as a Disability Social Worker through the Australian Association of Social Workers. Jodyne has over 20 years experience in providing direct capacity building support to people with disabilities who also have complex issues and dual diagnoses. Her experience also includes supporting caregivers to build communication, advocacy and conflict-resolution skills essential for navigating the array of disability support services available and supporting their loved one with a disability. Anchorage’s services are tailored towards:

  • Children, adolescents, youth and adults impacted by disability and neuro-divergence, wanting to build their self-esteem, life-skills and social connections.

  • Carers wanting build their capacity and confidence to effectively navigate disability systems and services while maintaining self-care

  • Organisations, businesses and schools wanting to increase their skills, knowledge and inclusiveness.

Our services.

  • Individualised supports

    Therapeutic allied health social work support customised for individuals to align with their NDIS Plan goals.

  • Carer Training & Professional Consultation

    Tailored professional training and information sessions on a range of disability topics.

  • Assessments and Reports

    Functional capacity assessments, Biopsychosocial assessments and other reports on functioning and impairment suitable for a range of purposes.