Individualised Support
Individualised Support
As an Allied Health provider of therapeutic supports, my specialist Disability Social Work background enables me to offer a therapeutic, strengths-based method of modelling, educating, training and motivating individuals using a range of focused psychological strategies to build capacity and further develop essential life skills across a range of areas.
Focused psychological strategies are techniques backed by research such as exposure therapy, activity scheduling, use of role-play and scripts that are used to practice new skills being taught.
The support provided will be customised and tailored to your individual need and will align with your NDIS Plan goals, but some common support topics include:
Improving communication, conflict management and problem-solving skills
Developing routines, organisational and planning skills
Refining social skills and expanding social networks and connections
Proactively planning for your future – such as moving out of home, getting a job
Small Group Support
Most supports are delivered 1:1 but in some instances, small group support may be offered to individuals that have received some 1:1 support before-hand and who can be matched to others with the same topic interests. It is critically important that group participants are carefully considered and matched to ensure that different personalities do not trigger others or jeopardise the harmonious workings of the group.
The advantages of small groups are that participants can meet peers, network and practice social skills and share experiences and thoughts in a supported environment with others who have likely experienced similar situations.